Getting Started with Cricket Betting in India

Cricket is a bat-and-ball game played by two teams of 11 players each on a field with a wicket at each end. This is called as a gentleman’s game and is a popular sport in both India and Pakistan with one of the most notable things to keep in mind being the rivalry of India and Pakistan. As such, cricket betting has become an extremely popular sports betting option, with some sportsbooks focusing more on this game instead of the widely popular football game.

Dubai7 Cricket Betting

Indian casinos and sports hubs typically feature several sportsbooks specializing in cricket odds, including 9wickets. These sportsbooks tend to offer more odds and betting markets than other more mainstream sportsbooks, allowing cricket enthusiasts to enjoy betting on popular cricket matches and explore other betting options that can focus on individual athletes.

Understanding Cricket Betting in India

Cricket betting sites and sportsbooks are typically the first point of contact for most Indian sports bettors, as online casinos typically showcase either their in-house odds or specialized sportsbooks. These specialized sportsbooks typically offer more betting market than the standard moneyline bets, allowing bettors to bet on other outcomes and show support to individual athletes.

Understanding cricket betting in India

About 340 million Indians bet on cricket matches and many of these are focusing on the standard moneyline bets. Most of these bettors likely focused on moneyline betting while others might have focused on outright bets and betting on one team to win the entire league or on outright bets focusing on the IPL or ICC winner, a Player of the Match bet, Match Top Batsman, Match Top Bowler, and more.

As long as the accessible sportsbooks have different betting markets available, the bettors themselves will try them out to mix things up a bit or to better show their support. As such, it’s important that bettors know what to look for in a secure betting site.

Best Cricket Betting Website Features

Dubai7 is powered by multiple sportsbook providers ranging from cricket-specializing sportsbooks to more general ones. This allows players to have more options as different providers will typically offer odds for different matches and betting markets, with 9Wickets offering Back and Lay bets and M8Bet and CMD368’s outright bets.

Best cricket betting site features

Some of the different criteria to consider when looking for a cricket betting site are the following:

Live Match Updates

Cricket bettors should look for sportsbooks that offer live odds. Live betting is fun since bettors will be able to bet on an ongoing match and be able to watch the match itself and check how the odds change. Live sports bettors can typically snipe advantageous odds before the bookie lowers the odds to decrease the potential payout.

While Dubai7 doesn’t feature live streams, its sportsbooks do feature live odds so bettors can at least watch the match elsewhere while also monitoring the odds.

Extensive Betting Markets

Cricket betting sites with multiple sportsbooks will typically be able to offer multiple betting markets that cricket bettors can bet on. Some sportsbooks will only offer moneyline bets for cricket matches while others will be able to also offer at least over/under and outright markets in addition to the standard moneyline.

Extensive List of Sports Events to Bet On

It can get disheartening when a sport that a bettor wants to bet on doesn’t offer odds for the matches they actually want to bet on. Some sportsbooks only offer odds for certain matches while others offer odds for even the least known ones.

9Wickets will typically offer odds for the IPL, ICC, and the Womens’ International T20 matches. Other sportsbooks will also typically offer odds on these matches as well as other matches.

Betting Tips

Dubai7 has betting guides that all sports bettors, including cricket bettors, can read to be able to make more informed decisions when placing bets. One notable tip that we typically say is that not all betting markets are the same and bettors must keep this in mind when betting. Some markets are easier to win in than others while others are just inherently hard.

Bettors should also research on the different facets of a particular match to be able to make informed decisions instead of placing random bets.

Common Cricket Betting Markets

The different common betting markets available in Dubai7 and its sportsbooks are the following:

Moneyline/Match Winner

Dubai7 Cricket moneyline odds

Moneyline is the most basic betting market available and typically focuses on the match winner. Different sportsbooks will offer different versions of moneyline, with some offering the 3-way or 2-way formats and 9Wickets offering lay and back bets under moneyline.

Most Fours/Sixes

Most Fours

The Most Fours or Most Sixes market takes the form of the 3-way moneyline market except focusing on which team will get the most fours or sixes respectively in the match. In cricket, the totals market can take the form of the total number of fours or sixes made in a single match. 

Totals Over/Under

Dubai7 UG Total Sixes Over-Under

Bettors can bet on the total number of points scored in a game. In cricket, the totals market can take the form of the total number of fours or sixes made in a single match.

Player of the Match/Top Batsman/Top Bowler

Top Bowler

The Player of the Match award is a cricket award given to the most outstanding player in a single match. This player is often the one who made the most impact in a single match. Sports bettors can back a certain player by betting on them to win the Player of the Match award and hope that they win the bet. This makes the bet more personal than standard match winner bets.

Top Batsman and Top Bowler outright bets work the same, except focusing on their respective wining conditions.


Cricket is one of the most popular sports in India and cricket bettors should look into registering in a reputable cricket betting platform to be able to enjoy. While cricket matches don’t typically have a lot of odds in most sportsbooks, there’s no denying that this competes with football in terms of popularity and even the limited number of markets are still exciting bets.

Register at Dubai7 Casino to start cricket betting today. You’ll have access to multiple odds for different matches, ensuring that you can enjoy betting on the different matches that you care about.

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