Live Andar Bahar | Traditional Indian Card Game in Online Casinos

Andar Bahar is a classic Indian card game that most Indians are familiar with. This game wasn’t exactly well-known as a casino game until recently when gaming providers started offering this game for gamblers to play. Compared to classics like Baccarat, Blackjack, Poker, and Teen Patti, Andar Bahar is less popular as a live casino game but is still well-loved by many Indian players.

Andar Bahar

This game is a traditional game that became a mainstay in many social gatherings. As such, this game became a favourite among friends and family as many people are familiar with the game’s rules.

Andar Bahar Rules

Andar Bahar is a simple game of chance where the main objective is to bet on which box will draw the assigned Joker card. In each round, a card will be assigned as a Joker card and the winning side is the box that first draws a card of the same value. Gamblers will have to guess which box will draw said card with the Andar bet having an advantage over Bahar.

Pragmatic Play Andar Bahar

Once they’ve placed a bet, they can let the dealer handle everything else. In Evolution Gaming, Super Andar Bahar features side bets focusing on how many cards will be dealt before a card with the same value as that of the Joker card is drawn. The side bets can be assigned certain multipliers to boost the payout.

Andar Bahar Bets and Payouts

The different bets available in Evolution Gaming’s Super Andar Bahar are the following:

  • Andar – 0.9:1
  • Bahar – 1:1
  • 1-5 cards drawn – 2:1
  • 6-10 cards drawn – 3:1
  • 11-15 cards drawn – 4:1
  • 16-20 cards drawn – 5:1
  • 21-25 cards drawn – 8:1
  • 26-30 cards drawn – 12:1
  • 31-35 cards drawn – 20:1
  • 36-40 cards drawn – 40:1
  • 41-45 cards drawn – 110:1
  • 46-49 cards drawn – 800:1

The side bets can be assigned multipliers and allow the player to get paid out a maximum of 3,999:1. Additionally, the side bet is only up to 49 cards drawn which is the maximum number of cards drawn per round until a card with the same value as the Joker card is drawn. The 49 maximum cards is based on the fact that each round of Andar Bahar is played with a single standard deck of cards minus the Joker card.

The reason why Andar pays out less is because it is the first box that gets dealt a card and has the potential to win immediately. In some Andar Bahar tables, Bahar gets dealt a card first and is the bet that pays out less.

Andar Bahar Game Winning Tricks

Dream Gaming Andar Bahar

Andar Bahar is a game of chance so any strategies used in the game will largely revolve on betting on either Andar or Bahar, depending on which box will get dealt a card first. The most notable Andar Bahar game winning tricks will focus on betting systems.

Use the One-Sided Betting System

Because Andar typically gets dealt a card first, players should use the one-sided betting system and stick to Andar. This box has a significant advantage of getting dealt the Joker card as soon as the round starts so Bahar bets will immediately end in a loss.

Use the Flat Betting Strategy

Using the flat betting strategy and staking a constant amount is excellent for keeping losses down, which is important since Andar Bahar is purely a game of chance and erratic staking will result is significant losses. Sticking to a single stake amount of Andar gives players a good chance of winning more consistently.

Play the Side Bet

Andar Bahar lacks plenty of betting options and it makes do with the side bet focusing on how many cards will be drawn in a single round. Placing a bet on Andar and on at least one of the side bets can boost the player’s payouts, especially when the players win the side bet and it got assigned a multiplier.

While it is not advisable to place side bets in other casino games, the fact that multipliers are assigned on Andar Bahar’s side bets makes it worthwhile. When side bets are available, place a bet on them.


Anyone can play Andar Bahar and there shouldn’t be any learning curves with this simple card game since the only goal is to bet on which box will get dealt a card with the same value as the Joker card. Casual gamers who have trouble understanding how other casino card games work will be able to play comfortably with this game, especially since this is more of a traditional game in India.

Try playing Dubai7’s Andar Bahar tables today!

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